by the seat of our pants

11 08 2010

so last night ash and I were laying in bed chatting about the trip, how awesome it is that we’re 8 weeks away from the trip of a lifetime, and how stellar it will be to live life on the road for a little while.  then, ashlyn in all her creativity (she is actually really creative) comes up with the blog title ‘by the seat of our pants’.  Sounds interesting right?, and should be an accurate title for a blog of a newly married couple about to hit the road and see what life will take them…BUT, what you haven’t seen is the calendar…

this calendar (which is actually quite impressive) lays out everyday between october 1st and christmas day 2010.  every.  single.  day.  not only does it lay out every day, each day and each location over the 3 months has been assigned a colour, each colour has a coded and corresponding hanging file at home.  now, this is actually an absolutely fantastic quality that she has, and will make our trip infinitely better in more ways than i know.  but seriously, ‘by the seat of our pants’?!?